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Are you wanting to go deeper in your study of God's Word? Get the Key Chapters of Genesis Study Guide! It is now available in print or kindle on Amazon.

Based on the Key Chapters of the Bible podcast, this study guide contains 22 studies in the key chapters of Genesis. So, this guidebook doesn’t discuss every chapter in Genesis, but it does dig into the ones we need to know and understand thoroughly.

The writing style seeks to be conversational and engaging. The study and discussion questions are a mix of meaty analysis and practical application.

Each chapter study includes the entire NASB text followed by an extended explanation on that passage, then concluding with a set of study and discussion questions.

This guidebook is suitable for personal study, but also designed to be used in classroom studies where the students are seeking to develop a deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of Genesis.

Indeed, if God’s people don't understand the Book of Genesis, they will struggle to understand the rest of the Bible and ultimately, they’ll struggle to understand their own purpose and meaning in life. Genesis is that important.

This guidebook (and the entire Key Chapters podcast and book series) was produced to help you more clearly understand God’s purposes for His church and your specific role in it. You will have a richer understanding of God's love, grace and plan for mankind. You will also see the depth of our sin and the gift of atonement offered through the cross of Christ. You will better understand key concepts like the covenants, reconciliation, redemption, the origins of nations, and more.

Whether you choose to go through this guidebook individually, as a small group, or as a class, this careful study through the key chapters of Genesis will help deepen your fellowship with our Lord and your commitment to His work in your life and the world.

This is a standalone study, however, since it’s based on the Key Chapters of the Bible Podcast (available for free on all podcast platforms including YouTube), even people who don’t love to read can listen to the podcast and be able to meaningfully work through the questions and engage in group or classroom discussions.

The Key Chapters Bible Podcast is a daily, 15ish minute podcast that goes over the key chapters of the Bible, one per day, explaining how it fits into the overall message of God and how it relates to our lives now. The podcast episodes are conversational and friendly in tone, and focus on what we need to know about that Key Chapter to understand its place in the overall Word of God. It starts in Genesis 1 on January 1st and then new episodes are published each day, going from Genesis to Revelation.

This book is the first of what will hopefully be an entire Bible Study series on the Key Chapters of the Bible. We’re getting ready to work on the Key Chapter of Exodus and hope to release it in the spring of 2023. 

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A Word to Potential Partners

As I continue to upload episodes to the Key Chapters podcasts, I am hopeful about ways to bring this material to the rest of the world.

If you are a publisher, a missionary organization, or a pastor looking to provide training in your church, I would be happy to talk with you about coming to your organization to teach your people this material.

The total audio recording are about 60 hours of material. If I was in a missionary setting, I could work with my church to allow me away from our pulpit so that I could be in a missionary setting, teaching through this material for several weeks. Or I could reduce it to just the Old Testament, or New Testament, or just specific books.

I’m also working on converting this into a book, but the task is huge. I have over 2000 pages of notes. If you are a publisher and would be interested in helping bring this material to the world in book form, I would be happy to talk with you. If anyone wanted to volunteer some time to edit a chapter here and there, I'd love to talk with you as well. 

Please drop me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Thank you and God Bless

To Those Joining Mid-Year!

Now, if you've clicked on this page, that means that you're probably looking at joining us midyear. That's fantastic, welcome aboard! 

But that being said, I have a couple of thoughts about joining in mid-year. For one thing, the Word of God is the unfolding of God's message to His people. While it's not exactly like a novel, the reality is that if we just helicopter into various passages here and there, we'll have a hard time truly understanding it's message. We might understand the words, but we might miss what God is truly saying. 

And so, here's my recommendations... first, try to start back in Genesis to catch up. Maybe just listen to the podcasts on fast speed. I know, I know... it's going to sound super fast! But you'll be able to get through the episodes quicker, and you'll be able to see how the podcast builds towards it's conclusion. 

BUT, I also recognize that listening to dozens, or hundreds of episodes is daunting, if not impossible. So if starting at the beginning is not feasible, then I recommend using two different podcast services and keeping them at different places in the episode order. Most podcast apps allow you to sort the episodes either with newest first, or oldest first. I recommend having one sort by newest, and another one by oldest, and then you click on whatever service is best in that moment.

For instance, you could use the Spotity service to listen to the current episodes as part of your daily time with the Lord; but then use a service like PlayerFM to just play the old episodes while you're out and about. You can listen to them on fast speed and catch up, while you're listening to the current episodes at normal speed. 

As for which podcast apps to try, here's some ones that I use and think work pretty well (I think most of these apps have versions for both Andriod and Apple): 

Spotify - One of the most popular podcast apps.

PlayerFM - probably my favorite app, and is virtually bug free.

Castbox - Another good, easy to use app. 

Podcast Addict - a good app, but requires a bit more configuration from the use. 

Stitcher - very popular, but I find it's just okay to use. 

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(Theme music by Joseph McDade)

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